Email format for classes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, in English, for students, for children, email, informal mail, official mail, questions.
E-mail is the modern version of a letter/postcard. It is one of the fastest means of communication we have today. As with a letter, there are two types of email: official email and unofficial email.
When writing an e-mail, NOTE:
- Follow the appropriate format indicated in the question.
- The topic should be concise, precise and effective.
- The main body is like a letter. So start with a greeting and move on to an introductory paragraph, followed by a descriptive and closing paragraph for the email format. The language must be grammatically correct without repeating the same vocabulary and sentences. Write sentences in the third person.
- A person’s emails can be very limited or detailed in terms of word limits and transmission of thoughts. It is recommended to use I-accounts for personal contacts.
- The word limit must be respected.
Official post
You have recently purchased an ABC color television from Shri Raj Electronics. The kit has had some problems and is defective. Send an email to the Sales and Service Manager, Shri Raj Electronics, Faridabad, to request correction or replacement of the kit. You are Seema Batra.
Formal questions by e-mail
You’re Rajiv. To complain about a lost parcel, email Navi Mumbai, CEO of United Colis and Courier. Enter your subscriber number. No. as UPC/DL/0102/20xx, of 6. April 20xx.
Question 2
Send an email to the course coordinator, Fun Activities Pvt.Ltd, Rishikesh, and ask for details of all the adventure activities they offer during the summer holidays. Make up the necessary parts. You are Mohit/Mohit Advani, Secretary. ABC Public School Adventure Club, New Delhi.
Question 3
Email your high school science teacher and ask him or her to help you with a science project you need to do over summer break. You are Niharika Sethi from Chandigarh.
Question 4
You are Asima Virmani, resident of Block A, Preet Vihar, New Delhi. Send an email to the Assistant Commissioner, MCD, East Zone, Delhi, and ask him to help a resident in your area to protect themselves from the constant threat of stray animals, especially dogs and monkeys.
Unofficial mail
Write a letter to your brother. Sunil is aggrieved whether he gets to attend his cousin’s next wedding with the rest of the family. They’re smoothies. Make up other necessary parts.
Informal questions by e-mail
Write a letter to your older sister, Ruchika, to share your thoughts on a possible career. You are Abhimanyu.
Question 2
Write a letter to your aunt who lives in Pune. Thank her for hosting a wonderful winter New Year’s Eve party for all the family and friends every year.
Question 3
You and your friend Saksham are working on the same social science project where both of you are part of a team put together by a teacher. Send her an email to discuss your claims in this matter and share with her the information you have gathered.
Question 4
Write a letter to your father asking about his well-being and a plan for his return from a trip abroad. Sign up as Pret/Priti.
Question 5
Your niece is getting a wedding cake soon. Write him a congratulatory letter.