Essay On Clean India Mission For Students – Read Here

The Clean India Mission is a campaign that aims to make India a cleaner, greener, better place to live. To achieve that goal, it has set apart funds for various initiatives that aim at improving the cleanliness and well-being of the people. One such initiative is the Swachh Bharat Mission, whose goal is to achieve a clean India by 2019.

Clean India Mission is a government undertaking to clean the Ganga. To make this mission successful, more investments in the water quality of Ganga are necessary.

India is a country born out of a sense of a mission to serve its people. Cleanliness is a part of the lives of most Indians. Cleanliness is a habit and there are several causes for its prevalence. The objectives of this article are to understand the causes of cleanliness and their possible ways to be avoided and to find out how to promote cleanliness in India.. Read more about clean india mission essay in english and let us know what you think.



Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan is also known as the Swachha Bharat campaign, clean India mission, or clean India push. The Indian government has launched an additional level effort to clean up all of the country’s backward statutory towns.

This effort entails boosting cleanliness programs in rural regions, as well as cleaning streets, roads, and altering the nation’s infrastructure in order to propel the country forward.


The Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan is an Indian government-led cleaning program spearheaded by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The Purpose of the Clean India Mission (Swachh Bharat Mission) 


By 2019, the goal hopes to have eradicated open deprecation. The mission’s goal is to eliminate open defecation by building toilets for households and communities, eliminating manual scavenging, introducing advanced municipal solid waste management practices, encouraging private sector participation in the sanitation sector, and, last but not least, changing people’s attitudes toward sanitation.

Clean India would have a huge effect on public health in India. It would protect the poor’s income, thus contributing to the national economy.

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’s Benefits (Clean India Mission) 

Masses’ Health Will Be Improved


The danger of life-threatening illnesses is reduced when open defecation is stopped. The cleaning campaign will benefit the general public’s health.

Clean Technology Adoption


Another goal of the project is to promote the adoption of non-polluting/clean technologies. To prevent pollution, it refers to the use of biodegradable fuels and goods. Shifting to greener goods would need sophisticated technology and creativity from young people.

Individual Productivity Can Be Increased


The productivity of the workplace is influenced by an individual’s health. A healthy individual may work for longer periods of time and make more money.


Obtaining Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)


The Swachh Bharat initiative may help India increase F D I and therefore accelerate growth.


 Only a small group of individuals can make a difference on their own. The majority of individuals do not engage in the cleaning campaign because they do not have the desire or time to contribute to the greater good.

Needs a lot of help


The campaign’s goals will not be met unless and until the broader public is fully engaged.

It is very difficult to alter people’s views overnight.

Sustained Effort’s Impossibility


On the one hand, there is a lack of continuous effort from the government; for example, cleaning campaigns are conducted in fits and starts and not on a regular basis.

Because of their laid-back demeanor, government workers are unlikely to take the task of maintaining cleanliness seriously. It also requires a great deal of cooperation across different departments.

Enforcement is difficult.


While individuals are urged to take part in the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, those who trash the streets are neither arrested or punished.

The campaign will not be able to function on its own. It also requires a legal foundation. However, since a significant proportion of Indians, particularly in rural regions, still defecate in the open, these rules cannot be implemented or enforced.


The government must focus on the whole sanitation value chain, which includes water supply, waste disposal, treatment, and infrastructure maintenance.

The state must support the building of toilets as well as public awareness efforts to ensure that toilet usage is monitored on a regular basis.

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About the Author: Prateek

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