Essay On Delhi Smog For Students In Easy Words – Read Here

India has been one of the most polluted countries in the world. The air quality is so poor that it can cause serious health problems, including lung cancer and heart disease. Delhi’s smog problem is not unique to their city, but for many years they have been struggling with it.

The delhi air pollution essay is a short essay on the air pollution in Delhi. It was written by students who were affected by the smog and it gives them an opportunity to share their experience with other people.



Everyone now understands that smog is made up of contaminants in the air. It has a significant environmental impact by contaminating the environment. Many health issues, including as asthma, amphetamine, chronic bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases, may be caused by smoking. Smog also has an effect on the health of the eyes. The body’s natural capacity to prevent colds and lung infections is harmed by smog.

Smog’s Health Effects

Essay-On-Pollution-For-Class-4th-Students-In-Easy-WordsFirst and foremost, we will investigate how pollution affects human health.


Smog includes fine particles, ozone, nitrogen monoxide, and sulfur dioxide, among other things. All of these components, according to the World Health Organization, are detrimental to human health. Due to pollution, residents of large cities confront perplexing difficulties in the winter.

Dimensions of Particles

Essay-On-Delhi-Smog-For-Students-In-Easy-Words-8211Smog particles, which are released into the air by trains, create health issues. These particles have a thickness of approximately 2.5 micrometers. They enter the lungs directly while breathing since they are tiny. They also cause severe cardiac damage at the same time.

Health Consequences of Smog

1625968722_572_Essay-On-Delhi-Smog-For-Students-In-Easy-Words-8211Hair fall

Heart illness, weakened heart, higher risk of heart attack

Risk of bronchitis and cough

Skin disorders

Immune cysts’ deterioration

Breathing is difficult.

Increasing your chances of getting blood cancer

Reactions to allergens in the eyes

Infections of the nose, ears, throat, and lungs, as well as the respiratory system

Patients with high blood pressure have a higher chance of having a stroke.


Who is the most dangerous?

1625968722_651_Essay-On-Delhi-Smog-For-Students-In-Easy-Words-8211Those who engage in outdoor activities such as running, racing, or open-air physical work, such as wages, are exposed to the risks of pollution on a regular basis. The rate of breathing rises with any kind of physical exertion (hard labor). A greater amount of air reaches the lungs. The lungs are directly exposed to the poisonous substances in smog as a result of this.

It is critical to keep children away from the area.

1625968723_315_Essay-On-Delhi-Smog-For-Students-In-Easy-Words-8211 This attitude is hazardous to everyone at the present, but youngsters are the most vulnerable to it. Children who participate in outdoor activities are more prone to develop asthma and other respiratory issues. Smog impresses young, middle-aged, and elderly individuals who work in or out of hobbies and have a lot of work to accomplish.

The Fog Is Endangering Delhi

1625968723_392_Essay-On-Delhi-Smog-For-Students-In-Easy-Words-8211The health of Delhi residents is in jeopardy. Delhi’s air is scorched with pollution. The air has been released into schools due to this toxic odor. Citizens have been told not to pollute the environment. Let’s see how Smog turns out.

Polluted air is referred to as smog. Since the turn of the twentieth century, the term “smog” has been used. This term is made up of two English words: smog and fog. When the chilly air enters a packed area, the smugness increases.


Due to the everyday accumulation of massive amounts of pollution, Delhi is in a highly hazardous position. The citizens of the state should take urgent action to alleviate the pollution.

If you have any questions or comments about Essay On Delhi Smog, please leave them in the comments box below.


The delhi air pollution case study ppt is a research paper that looks into the effects of Delhi’s smog on its residents.

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About the Author: Prateek

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