Essay On English PDF For Students In Easy Words – Read Here

English is a very important language and it is the first language of many countries. It has been used for centuries to communicate with people from all around the world.

The 1000 words essay in english is a short essay on English. It is written for students, but it can be read by anyone who has an interest in the topic.



The ability to communicate in English is important. Every day, it is increasingly utilized in virtually every aspect of human knowledge and progress. It is possible to say that it is the present world’s language. It is the major worldwide language in the age of globalization, and it impacts different areas and professions more or less directly.

The Use of English Is Required

Essay-On-English-PDF-For-Students-In-Easy-Words-8211Its ownership is no longer considered a luxury, but rather a necessity. Furthermore, it is said that anybody who does not learn that language would be at a distinct disadvantage: he will be treated as if he were deaf or illiterate.


There are many reasons to say this. As a result, the purpose of this paper is to make these motivations apparent, as well as to make young people and their families aware of the critical significance of learning that language.

All Over The World, This Is A Communication Tool

1625966592_564_Essay-On-Mars-Orbit-Mission-For-Students-In-Easy-WordsFirst and foremost, it is a technology that enables us to communicate with individuals from other nations in the globalized world we live in. It is undeniable.

English has evolved into the world’s premier communication language, as well as one of the most frequently used. In around 75 countries across the globe, it is an official language or has a special status. Because it is known as the global language, English is the most significant language on the planet.


Business jargon

1625968187_312_Essay-On-English-PDF-For-Students-In-Easy-Words-8211Even yet, I believe that knowing English is more essential. If you reside in a place where English is the only language spoken, it is even more essential; large-scale international commerce is conducted in English. Regardless of the investors’ place of origin, everything is done in English.

There is a need for education.

Short-Essay-on-Teacher8217s-Day-For-Students-In-Easy-WordsThe teaching of English in any part of the globe is now considered a need and a priority. Regardless of where you are on the globe or how old you are, having a working grasp of the English language is important for everyone.

Even more so if you are a professional or looking for work, it is a fact that cannot go ignored any more. It should not happen again since many young people today regret not studying English since they were children or just did not care about the English class they attended in school. They are unable to attend a language lesson due to a variety of reasons.

As a result, they lament the time they wasted when they were younger and had less obligations than they have today. Parents have a critical role in ensuring that this does not happen again.


Parents are the ones who choose which school to enroll their children in, drive them there, oversee their growth in and out of the classroom, assist them with homework, keep track of their grades, and so on. That is, they are the first individuals in their family to teach their children English.

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About the Author: Prateek

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