Essay On Parisara Samrakshane For Students – Read Here

The basic goal of the Parisara Samrakshane is to create a balanced system of education where all children will have equal access to an education system.

To help you in your college application essay writing, here is a topic which you can write about: Parisara Samrakshane. Parisara Samrakshane (English: Parisar Academy) is an educational institution in India, founded by Rev. Rev. G.A.M. Samraksh. The institution is managed by the Samraksh Education Foundation. It is located in Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India.


Parisara samrakshana, or environmental protection, is an act that protects our environment from a variety of environmental problems. By preserving the environment, we are also protecting our natural resources, which are vital to our survival. The environment provides us with everything, but it has become extremely harmful due to our people’s actions. As a result, people must take environmental protection measures to protect our environment so that the things that the environment provides us will last longer, and we will be able to use resources easily without harming the environment.

It may be done in a variety of techniques and ways to preserve our environment, and it is essential. People’s misuse of natural resources has resulted in a slew of negative consequences for these resources, as people exploit them for profit, harming the natural environment and making them unsafe. Protecting the environment today may benefit us in the future.


It Is Critical To Protect


Environment protection is critical in safeguarding the environment from different dangers and depletion of natural resources, which helps to preserve the earth’s natural resource balance. Environmental protection also aids in the maintenance of ecosystem equilibrium, which is critical for leaving a better ecological legacy. It is critical to safeguard the environment not just from natural dangers, but also from individuals who are profit-driven who exploit natural resources from the environment for their own gain while doing nothing to help the ecosystem. People should be aware of this and should not create hazardous things that could harm our environment, such as pollution caused primarily by humans, such as water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, and a variety of other pollutions that harm the environment, and our environment must be protected as a result.


People use water, which is a natural resource, for their own purposes, but they also create many harmful things in water, and as a result, the water is polluted, and the environment is not safe. We also burn plastics or harmful gases, which pollute the air and cause pollution, and as a result, our environment is disturbed, and environmental problems arise. As an example, many people utilize the energies that originate from the Earth, which may sometimes result in radioactive contamination, and as a result, they do not care about environment and just use the energy for their own purposes, which should be safeguarded by people.

Environmental Protection in Countries


Every nation produces pollution, which damages the environment. As a result, many governments across the world have taken steps to preserve our environment. For example, in India, our government has taken steps to address a number of problems that may harm the environment.

There is also a variety of campaigns now underway, each of which serves the purpose of raising awareness of the many environmental problems that exist in India and offering various solutions to them. Also, raise awareness about the significance of environmental preservation for the animals who live there as well as the ecosystem. India has begun new methods to preserve our environment, such as planting many trees, and as a result of these many trees, our environment will be free of pollution, and this is a very excellent thing that India has arranged.

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About the Author: Prateek

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