Teachers Can’t Expect to Be Held to the Whims of Every Parent

When some students fail to show up for class, their teachers decide whether to contact the parent, or to deal with the problem themselves. If the student’s parents are absent, the teacher should deal with the problem then and there. This article reviews a recent case where a teacher in California was fired for giving a janitor’s son detention after he did not turn in homework, and for not reporting a student’s grades to his parents. He was reinstated, but that may not be the lesson for schools.

My first post was an introduction to my blog and how I write about issues that are important to me, and how this leads to how I approach writing on this blog. My second post was a response to a comment made by one member of the blogosphere (the comments section on this blog) who questioned why I was getting involved in the debate over teaching children how to ask for directions.

When teachers enter the profession they are usually asked if they can deal with difficult parents, and they say yes. What they don’t realize is that the same thing will happen to them. Parents, and especially those who are teachers themselves, often expect teachers to be there when their child has a problem or a problem that needs solved, if a situation happens in class then the teacher must handle it.. Read more about parents who do everything for their child quotes and let us know what you think.



Should we continue to educate about the Civil War?

This was a query posed to me by a worried teacher who was afraid about parent backlash. Teachers should not have to live in fear of being questioned about what is going on in their classrooms by parents or community members, but it is prudent for teachers to be prepared to answer questions about what they are teaching, as concerns about what is going on in classrooms are being raised across the country.

I understand. I’ve just received pushback from the authors of “Purple for Parents” and “No Left Turn.” Concerns have been expressed by members of various organizations regarding my advocacy work, particularly my teacher and school leader coaching and student work. Although it is unpleasant to be the target of false allegations, I think it is acceptable to inquire about what is going on in schools, to demand answers, and to demand changes if required. Teachers and school administrators should be proactive rather than reactive.

This is how the MSD of Washington Township, where my children go to school, went about it. The district issued a statement on critical race theory on July 21, 2021, as well as an explanation of the basis of Elevate, the district’s teaching and learning framework. In full disclosure, I am a member of the Washington Township Community Coalition, one of the organizations that supports this declaration, and our representative signed it. This phase is beneficial since it clarifies what is and is not happening in the area. 

As a parent who has expressed concerns about homework, I think parents have the right to do so. Teachers should not be afraid to discuss what is going on in their classrooms with their parents. They should be able to confidently and clearly explain what is going on and answer any concerns since they are the experts on their subject. There should be no problems as long as the tasks are based on academic norms. They can be addressed if they aren’t.

My teacher mentor recommended that I utilize Sharon Draper’s book “Tears of a Tiger” during my first year in the classroom. A parent requested that her daughter read another book since the protagonist, a high school basketball player, was engaged in drinking and driving, which resulted in the death of his buddy. The mother was concerned that her daughter might be exposed to this event in the tale. I described the standards I was teaching with the book and provided the tools I was utilizing. In the end, I gave the pupil a different book to read. It was a lot of work, particularly as a first-year teacher, but it offered me my first chance to deal with parent opposition.

However, altering an assignment isn’t always the best option. That same year, I faced opposition to having students read about the National Day of Mourning, which is observed by certain Indigenous peoples on Thanksgiving Day instead of partaking in traditional Thanksgiving festivities. I also had them read “Wamsutta (Frank B.) James, Wampanoag’s Suppressed Speech.” James was scheduled to deliver a speech during the 350th anniversary of the pilgrims’ arrival in America, but his address was rejected by the organizers. He declined to go after learning that he would not be able to deliver his address at the occasion. We also learned about the President pardoning a turkey for Thanksgiving and the activities that the pardoned bird is allowed to partake in, as well as some tips on how to celebrate Thanksgiving. 

The parent accused me of attempting to sway kids’ opinions in order to persuade them that Thanksgiving was a terrible holiday. I asked the parent to see the class to see how I led the conversation and what reading and writing standards I used to the material. I told the mom that I had no plans to make any adjustments and advised her to contact the English department chair or the school administration if she had any further issues. The parent turned down my offer to sit in my class and did not contact anybody I suggested. I felt sure that I was giving kids a well-rounded viewpoint while also ensuring that they were learning and mastering academic requirements. Students may lose out on key learning opportunities if instructors totally alter their curriculum every time parents express concern out of fear.

I didn’t advise the parent to go to a board meeting and complain. People have the right to express their concerns at board meetings, but attending one is not the greatest method to get their issues handled fast. The best way is to start with the instructor and school administration.

Students in fourth grade learn Indiana history. Students usually do a well-known Indiana project. This was an assignment I completed while I was in fourth grade, and my twin boys finished it last school year when they were in fourth grade. My boys were presented with a selection of 65 Hoosiers from which to pick. One member on the list was Native American, eight were Black, and the remaining 56 were white. There were just 10 women in the group. I wanted a more varied selection for my two Black sons to pick from as a parent. As a teacher, I wanted my kids’ classmates, whether Black or not, to understand that there are many Hoosiers who excel—and they are not all white men.

I expressed my worry to their instructor and provided a list of suggestions. The instructor sent the list to the whole fourth grade team, and the teachers agreed to update it for the following school year. I was also offered the option of allowing my boys to select someone who wasn’t on the list. Mark Honeywell and Orville Redenbacher were the subjects of their investigation. Because they were engaged in their achievements, my husband and I decided to have them stay with the guys they had selected. On our own time, we introduced them to other notable Hoosiers.

Instead of attacking, my goal as a parent was to seek understanding and collaborate with the instructor. Unfortunately, some parents may lash out because they are unfamiliar with equity work, social-emotional development, critical race theory, or culturally responsive education. Teachers must have a thorough grasp of such ideas in order to convey them to their students’ parents.

Resources have already been created to assist parents in expressing their concerns. The Millstone, a blog focusing mostly on Hamilton Southeastern Schools in Fishers, Indiana, has given a form for parents to utilize when writing to their children’s teachers. “Please submit a lesson plan for my approval if there will be class material, discussion, or assignments relating to: racism, gender, gender identity, or LGBT problems, sexuality, equity,” says one request in the letter. This is where the school administration must take the initiative.

School officials must make it clear how these types of issues will be handled, as well as how they will support teachers when they express them. When it comes to parent pushback, nothing is more frustrating than having no principle backing.

It’s a pity that equity, which ensures that every kid receives what they need, has come under fire.

It’s unfortunate that social-emotional learning is being questioned at a time when there is a pandemic and instructors and kids need coping skills.

It’s unfortunate that some parents are worried about racism and race being discussed in the school when their children are acquiring academic standards. Learning about the challenges that individuals of all races have experienced, as well as their victories and achievements, is beneficial to all students.

W. James Popham writes in his book “Classroom Assessment: What Teachers Need to Know,” “

The more tolerant and accepting pupils are of members of different ethic, gender, national, racial, or religious groups, the more likely they are to act appropriately toward them in the future.

Teachers should not be punished for desiring the same thing for all of their pupils. Students will be better able to comprehend history, connect to people who are different from them, and ideally grow up to be individuals who will make a significant difference in our world if they get a more inclusive education that meets standards.

Parental resentment is nothing new. It’s simply become a lot more intense lately. Instructors should not be concerned about what they are teaching as long as they are covering the abilities in the academic standards, as long as teachers and school officials are proactive.

This article first published on Indy K12.

Adobe Stock-licensed photo by Monkey Business.

As the school year begins, many new parents will be looking for a support system for their child’s education. They’re looking for guidance and an understanding that they’re not alone in their fears about their child learning in a new environment. Unfortunately, some people don’t understand that teachers are constantly under the strain of meeting parent expectations.. Read more about education post magazine and let us know what you think.

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About the Author: Prateek

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