How to Join NCC in India: Step By Step Guide

NCC stands for National Cadet Corps and is the youth branch of the Indian Armed Forces. You may already know that the Indian Armed Forces are the largest volunteer force in India. Similarly, the NCC is the largest uniformed youth organization in India. The headquarters of the NCC is in New Delhi and you can volunteer to join the NCC. Schools and colleges can become members of the CNC. Like the Indian Defence Force, the NCC also has several wings. The NCC has a military, air and naval wing. Every cadet who joins the NCC undergoes military training and learns how to shoot and march with a pistol. It should be noted that NCC officers or cadets are not responsible for active duty, even after taking the NCC course.

Facts about the NCC

We have disclosed some essential information about the NCC, but we would also like to share with you some interesting facts about the NCC. In this section we have discussed some of this information. Check out the articles below.

  • The motto of NCC is Unity and Discipline, and the program is aimed at developing character, discipline, brotherhood and a sense of adventure in young people.
  • The NCC programme also promotes leadership qualities of the youth and can often be seen as the first step to joining the Indian Defence Force.
  • The skills acquired at the NCC are also useful in personal life and in other professional areas.
  • The NCC was established by Act XXXI of 1948 on the National Cadet Corps.
  • There is a gold NCC crest, and it is surrounded by 17 lotuses. The background color is blue, light blue and red. Red represents the hand, blue the navy and blue the air force.

Benefits of SCC membership

There are many benefits to being a member of the NCC. In this section we have included more information on this topic.

  • The NCC, as you know, is the second line of defense and is a very well-known organization. Students aspiring for a career in the Indian Armed Forces can benefit from the NCC as NCC cadets carry a lot of weight when they apply.
  • The NCC is affiliated with the Department of Defense, and the learning curve is impressive. Cadets are also entitled to an allowance of Rs. 700 for their membership.
  • The NCC helps the candidate to develop skills that are very necessary in life. These skills include discipline, dedication, honesty and commitment. Candidates registered with the NCC can develop exceptional leadership skills that will help them in life.
  • The NCC organizes camps all over India and in this case the candidate can travel to different locations.
  • During their training at SCC, candidates will also have the opportunity to participate in many adventure activities, such as skydiving, flying lessons, weapons training and paragliding.
  • The EO benefits from a number of advantages of the NCC. You can find the details below.
    • development permit
    • Approval for maintenance of installations
    • shipment and handling
    • Monthly costs
    • Evaluation of payment during the camps
    • Disability and incapacity benefits
    • Travel allowance

What are the different activities of the NCC?

Activities can be divided into several types. We will talk first about the activities of the camp for the NCC and then about the activities carried out by the NCC.

Warehouseto NCC

  • Annual training camps
  • Centrally organised warehouses
  • Leadership Camps
  • National Integration Camp
  • Camp NauSync
  • Mountaineering camp
  • Camp TalSeinik
  • Camp Vayu Saynik

Activities carried out by the FMC

  • Adventurous Activities
  • Training in the Air Force
  • Additional training
  • Camp training
  • Career tips
  • Administration of certification exams
  • Institutional learning
  • Naval Squadron Training
  • Personal development
  • Republican day camps
  • Disassembly and training of veterinary instruments
  • Social Services
  • Training of field officers in OTP Kampti and OTA Gwalior
  • Youth Exchange Programme

SCC membership requirements

In this section, we have listed the criteria that must be met to become a member of the NCC. You can check the age limit and other program criteria.

  • For the juniors, the minimum age is 13 and the maximum age 18.5.
  • To join the Senior Wing, a candidate can join the NCC before the age of 24.
  • In addition to this age limit, the candidate must also be a national of India or Nepal.
  • The applicant must be enrolled in an educational institution, as membership is offered by educational institutions.
  • The candidate had to prescribe a medical standard to become a member of the SCC.
  • The candidate must be of good character and must be able to demonstrate this with a character reference.

How do I become a member of SCC?

We have shared many details about the NCC and we are sure you will want to register for this course. In this section of the site, we have included information about membership in the NCC. See details below.

  • To be admitted into the junior division, the student must submit an application to the director. The director will process the student’s membership in the junior division of the NCC.
  • Students wishing to join the senior unit should contact the unit commander and the officer will be able to relay their information.
  • The total duration of the programme is five years and there is no tuition fee.

Curriculum during CNC membership

Many things are learned during the NCC. Below are details of all the topics and themes you will be studying. Note that the course is not limited to these topics and you will also be exposed to courses related to your chosen specialization.

  • Adventurous training and obstacle course
  • Management of civil cases
  • Civil protection organisations and their tasks/NEMA
  • Drilling and similar work
  • Environmental awareness and protection
  • Field vehicles and field equipment
  • The freedom struggle and the nationalist movement in India
  • History of India and its armed forces
  • Mainstreaming and awareness raising at national level
  • Programme for developing personality and leadership skills
  • The role of NFPs in national risks/disasters.
  • Social awareness and community development
  • Small arms training
  • Organisation of traffic control and the fight against drink-driving

Operation according to NCCstandard

As noted above, the consolidation of forces after the completion of the NCC is not mandatory. You’re welcome, but it’s voluntary. You can choose any private organization as your employer, and this list is expensive. The salary scale also depends on what you do and the level at which you do your work.

Final Judgment

The NCC is undoubtedly a highly respected organisation and enables impressive development of students’ skills. Many parents want to register their children with the NCC because of their children’s exposure to radiation. We think you should talk to your kid. If he is interested in joining the NCC at a young age, it will serve him well in the future. We encourage all students reading this article to join the NCC to experience and expose themselves to this experience. During these camps you will also learn basic survival techniques. So go ahead, try it on.

frequently asked questions

How do I get an authorisation from the NCC?

Admission procedure to the SCC It includes a physical examination and a medical examination. Students may be asked to do pull-ups, squats, or some other physical activity. This is followed by a written test and an interview. Students must pass this exam to be admitted to the NCC as a cadet.

What is the age limit to become a member of SCC?

All high school and college students can become members of the NCC on a voluntary basis. Students do not have active military service responsibilities. The minimum age to join the SCC is 13 and the maximum age is 26.

How do I get into the NCC without a university degree?

How do I get to the SCC if it is not at my school? – Quora.


About the Author: Prateek

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