If you’re a high school student, the sooner you learn to answer these questions well and comfortably, the better your chances of having an incredible college experience! Start mastering those SAT words now.
The “examples of motivation questions for students” is a list of 50 questions that every student should be able to answer before they graduate high school. The questions are divided into 5 categories, and the first category is about what motivates you.
50 questions every student should be able to answer before graduation
Terry Hake.
Usually – if at all – the questions that those involved in education believe they need to be able to answer are either academic (content) or practical (life skills).
Academic matters may include:
How can I use reading strategies to understand the text? What is the scientific process? How can I calculate the area of the square or the probability that I draw a red ball from the bag and not a green one? How do governments work?
Life skills can be problems:
How do I apply for a job? How do you write a CV and cover letter that reflect what the employer is looking for? How do I know how much and when to take a particular medicine? How do I open a bank account? How can I create and maintain a balanced budget? What should I do if I feel harassed or threatened?
All of these questions are, to some extent, useful for students to answer. It’s a matter of priority and personalization. What is most important to this student in this place, in this past and in this future?
Public education is not there to answer these questions. This is partly because education is standardized and designed to be scaled, while the value of this standardization is limited for most students. That’s why I’ve compiled a few questions that, in an ideal world, a student might answer before leaving high school.
Many of these questions are abstract, open-ended, and at odds with what is usually taught in school. And of course, this is all subjective. Each parent will probably make their own list (a good start for homeschooling if that’s your thing).
But after over 13 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars (if not more) invested in this guy and his knowledge, it would be great if they could at least develop a credible answer that makes sense to them.
50 questions every student should be able to answer before graduation
1. What are people for? What’s a man to do? What is my life philosophy regarding people, work, knowledge and relationships?
2. Who and where am I? On whom am I dependent, who is dependent on me, and how should each of them determine my values, behaviors, and affections? What are my physical, digital and emotional addictions?
3. What do I know, and what can and should I do with what I know? What are the limits of my knowledge and how can these limits influence my behaviour?
4. What do I love? How has it changed in my life? What contributes to love and affection? What are the causes and consequences? How should love run my life and how should it not?
5. What questions do I need to ask myself, the people and the world around me every day? Where can I find reliable sources of information to answer my questions?
6. What conversations should I have with whom and how? What does it mean to really listen to a person, and how should that affect my conversations with them? What are the strengths and weaknesses of certain forms of communication and technology? A conversation, a text, a phone call or a discussion on social media?
7. When am I at my best? My most creative? Where’s my genius? What are the patterns in what interests and intrigues me, and is there anything I should take away from these patterns? What are my habits, and what are the results of those habits? What are the habits of the person I want to become and how can I adapt them?
8. What am I supposed to believe? Where do my beliefs come from? How do my beliefs shape and influence what I see and vice versa? What do I usually pay attention to and what do I notice on a daily basis? What are the consequences of this trick? Does it need to be refined? How should I know? What are my blind spots? Cognitive bias, cultural bias, confirmation bias, etc.?
9. What is the difference between a fact and an opinion? Why is it easy to confuse them? Why is it important to know the difference?
10. How can I discuss with someone something I don’t agree with? How can I disagree with someone and learn from them at the same time? How can I make myself known without making an enemy? How can I separate the person from the idea? Are there times when it is easier/difficult?
11. What is the connection between my thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors (e.g., my work/career, what I read, my priorities, who I date, etc.)?
12. On what type of considerations and information should the decision be based? Where should I tolerate uncertainty and where should I insist on certainty?
13. What are the logical thinking errors and traps, and how can and should I avoid them to perform better, have healthier relationships, and create a sense of well-being so I can define contentment and happiness for myself as I age?
14. What influences me, and how can and should I use those influences to my advantage?
15. How can I apologize to anyone? How do you know when to do it and what words, tone and medium to use?
16. What is possible for me in my life? What can I dream about? Can you imagine that? What should I read, watch and make? What can I learn from watching others from the sidelines? And what can I learn by looking inside myself? How can they work together?
17. Where does my morality come from? If I have a clear ethical system, what is it and what are the implications? And if not, why not? What am I risking/gaining by not having at least a little security? What do I risk/win in this case?
18. What is the difference between learning and teaching, and how should both serve me in life?
19. When should I lead and when should I follow? When should I speak and when should I listen?
20. What role can creativity play in my life? Innovation? A subversive thought?
21. What are my priorities, and how do my choices and behaviors reflect or not reflect those priorities?
22. How do I define success? What is keeping me from succeeding (or succeeding even more than I already have), and how should I respond?
23. What is the best way to perform a search? What is the difference between searching and googling?
24. What is the relationship between thinking, believing and behaviour? How does one affect the other (or both)?
25. How can I decide if something is true or false?
26. What are my goals? How can I categorize these objectives? And in light of these goals, what is the best way to spend the next five years of my life? How have my goals changed over the past five years and why?
27. How can I learn from everyone I meet?
28. What’s the difference between your job, your work and your career? What is the best way to approach the job search? What do most people do and how can I do it better?
29. How do I respond to difficult situations? How can I change my thinking in certain situations and for what purpose?
30. What are my sources of stability, and how can I care for and protect them – and use them to grow?
31. What makes me happy? And how do we distinguish between contentment, joy and happiness?
32. How does the weather affect life?
33. To whom in my life do I owe what and why? How am I supposed to answer that? What am I responsible for? And for whom? What does the world expect of me? What do I want from the world?
34. What should I read and why?
35. What role can art, music and theatre play in my life?
36. How can I become more aware of my self so that I have a clear and accurate picture of it? What do I believe and what do I do? My lectures? My mistakes – which ones do I have to deal with and which ones do I have to work on improving?
37. What can I learn from my parents/neighbors to prepare me for the real world?
38. Who is an inspiration or hero to me and why? What impact might this have on my ambitions and potential?
39. What did I excel at or struggle with in my studies and why? How did it affect me? How am I supposed to react?
40. What’s wrong with the word smart?
41. What is the relationship between knowledge and critical thinking?
42. How can I make sense of the different situations in my life, and how can I use knowledge and critical thinking in the process?
43. What is another person’s opinion worth? Does it change according to the subject of that opinion – whether it’s about me, a political issue, how to raise the kids, how to buy the right house, and so on?
44. What are the most important things I learned in school? What can I do with what I have learned?
45. What concepts and ideas did I not learn or learn very little about that I should have learned? What knowledge gaps are most and least important to me in terms of who and where I am? And where am I going?
46. Which skills and abilities do I take for granted and which do I not, and how should I respond?
47. What is a digital footprint and how can I analyze it and change it to match who I think I am and who I want to be?
48. How can I stay safe online and offline using my thinking, coping and communication skills?
49. What is the difference between studying math, science, and history and thinking like a mathematician, scientist, and historian? What can I learn from these differences?
50. What impact do I want to have on the world and where do I start?
50 questions every student should be able to answer before graduation
The “graduation questions to ask” is a list of 50 questions that every student should be able to answer before they graduate high school. The questions are broken down into different categories, including history, science, math, and English.
Frequently Asked Questions
What should high school students know before graduation?
A: A few things that high school students should know before they graduate are to do their best in school, make sure all of their homework is done, understand what colleges expect from them and be able to handle the workload.
What are good high school questions?
A: That is a difficult question. Many people have their own opinions on what are good high school questions.
What are the most important skills that students need to graduate high school with?
A: In order to graduate from high school, students need the following skills: 1. Reading comprehension 2. Mathematics a nd science a ccounting 3. Language arts and writing p u rposes should be met with readings aloud of passages 2-4 times per week
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